Sights of Halle at a glance
last update: 11-30-2010
Look at Halle Saale in 360 degrees
1: View from the Market Place
2: View from Market Church
Handel-monument at the market place: The composer George Frederic Handel was born and grown in Halle Saale.
The monument was financed by private persons.
Handel house at the Nikolai-Street: The great european composer George Frederic Handel was born and grown there. Today it is
a museum about he, other famous composer of the Halle region and a wide varity of music instruments.
Sky disc of Nebra (archaelogical sensation) - visit the Museum "Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte" to see
the 3600 years old astronomical instrument made in the bronze age.
Moritzburg - fantastical castle and art museum with pictures from the world famous painter Lyonel Feininger.
Chocolate museum with the chocolate chamber (at the picture) made of different kinds of chocolate:
The museum is a part of Germany's oldest chocolate factory "Halloren Schokoladenfabrik AG".
Market Church with four towers and a single tower ("Red Tower") in the city centre of Halle Saale.
City House at the Market Place of Halle Saale.
Francke Foundation - the oldest german school town is about 300 years old. It was founded by August Hermann Francke.
Saline - the old salt factory remembers at the roots of Halle Saale when Halle became a rich town by selling salt.